Jije Labglass plc

Agilent Technologies

LC Valve Solutions

LC Valve Solutions for Faster and Automated LC Workflows

Our extensive portfolio of LC and HPLC valve solutions allow you to automate many liquid chromatography applications. Ensure faster and more efficient column regeneration, column switching for multiple columns, solvent selection, or sample cleanup and enrichment. Agilent offers the flexibility to choose LC and HPLC valve combinations that match your laboratory’s and workflow requirements.

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InfinityLab Quick Change Valves
Agilent InfinityLab Quick Change Valves allow you to automate a wide variety of applications such as …

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JIJE LaboGlass

Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City, Woreda 01, Lebu, Foziana Building 6th Floor, Infront of Varnero Real Estate, Addis Ababa
+251-113-720-701/2 +251-911-662-491

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